CS201-VU- Multi Diemensional arrays in cpp with do while loop

Hello guys!

 The following cpp program demonstrates the use of  two dimensional Arrays and do while loop; 

comment below for any queries.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

void showElements(float cov19data[][4]);  // functions definitions 
double percentageDeath(float cov19data[][4], int userChoice);
double percentageRecovered(float cov19data[][4], int userChoice);

int main()
int selectedOption;

float cov19data[7][4]   // defining two diemensional array
{ 0, 560433, 22115, 32634},
{ 1, 156363, 19899, 34211}, 
{ 2, 84279, 10612, 0},
{ 3, 82160, 3341, 77663},
{ 4, 71686, 4474, 43894},
{ 5, 56956, 1198, 3446},
{ 6, 5374, 93, 1095}

do {  // do while loop to run program untill user terminates it.

showElements(cov19data);   // function call

cout << "\n\n";

cout << "Press The Country Code To Calculate Percentage Of Dead And Recovered Persons\n\n";

cout << "Press 0 for Pakistan.\n";
cout << "Press 1 for China.\n";
cout << "Press 2 for Italy.\n";
cout << "Press 3 for UK.\n";
cout << "Press 4 for Iran.\n";
cout << "Press 5 for France.\n";
cout << "Press 6 for Turkey.\n";
cout << "Press 7 to Exit.\n\n";

cout << "Please Select An Option, Use Numbers From 0 To 7: ";
cin >> selectedOption;
system("cls"); // this function is used to clear the console screen
cout << "________________________________________________\n";

cout<<"choice is wrong!";
} else {
cout<<"choice Selected : "<<selectedOption<<"\n";
cout << "Percentage of death is: " << percentageDeath(cov19data, selectedOption);
cout << "\n\nPercentage of recovered is: " << percentageRecovered(cov19data, selectedOption);

cout <<"\n\n";
} while (true);

void showElements(float cov19data[][4])   // function body implementation
cout << "Source Data:\n\n";
cout << "Country\tCases\tDeaths\tRecovered\n\n";

for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
cout << cov19data[i][j];
cout << "\t";
cout << "\n";

double percentageDeath(float cov19data[][4], int selectedOption)
double deathPercentage = (cov19data[selectedOption][2] / cov19data[selectedOption][1]) * 100.0;
return deathPercentage;

double percentageRecovered(float cov19data[][4], int selectedOption)
double recoveredPercentage = (cov19data[selectedOption][3] / cov19data[selectedOption][1]) * 100.0;
return recoveredPercentage;



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